About the EGU
The English Graduate Union (EGU) is an organization that represents all English graduate students at the University of Arizona. Founded in 1991, EGU monitors graduate student workload, advocates for graduate student concerns and issues on many departmental and administrative levels, and mobilizes graduate students across the campus around important issues like health care, tuition remission, workload reduction, and childcare.
Membership in EGU is open to all English and English-affiliated graduate students. For more information, or if you have questions, please contact the EGU Officers at egucochairs@gmail.com.
Spring 2025 Meetings
All English and English-affiliated graduate students are welcome to attend EGU meetings where we discuss issues graduate students are facing, share updates from our officers, and have the opportunity to build relationships across programs. EGU will continue to offer a hybrid meeting modality in-person and via Zoom.
Meetings will be the following Friday's from 3:00-4:00:
- January 17
- January 31
- February 14
- February 28
- March 28
- April 4
- April 18
EGU Officers – AY 2024-2025
- EGU Co-Chairs: Josh Barrows and Katya Makhnina
- Secretary: Grace Humphreys
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Co-Chairs: Sheyda Safaeyan and [VACANT]
- Writing Program Council (WPC) Assessment Committee Co-Chair: Larissa Runyan
- WPC Awards Committee Co-Chair: [VACANT]
- WPC Curriculum & Instructional Materials Committee Co-Chair: Sean Chadwick
- WPC ByLaws Committee Co-Chair: Amy Garret Brown
- WPC Professional Development Committee Co-Chair: Luke Keeling
- WPC Values & Strategic Planning Co-Chair: [VACANT]
- Graduate and Professional Student Council Representative: Kriti
- Social Chair: Josh Barrows
- First-Year Representative: Anran Hou
- Creative Writing Program Representative: Dillon Thomas Clark
- EAL Program Representative: Yi Li
- Literature Program / Literature Graduate Curriculum Representative: Larissa Runyan
- RCTE Program Representative: Josie Portz
- SLAT Program Representatives: Alona Kladieva and Mukaddes Çoban Postaci
- Undergraduate English Curriculum Committee Representative: Quinn Tuozzo
Current Initiatives
- Ensure graduate student representation on English departmental and program committees
- Mediate issues related to graduate student labor and compensation
- Foster communities of care and opportunities to build relationships amongst graduate students across all English programs
- Offer professional development opportunities for graduate students
- Ensure graduate students are safe from sexual discrimination and harassment
- Mobilize with other student organizations across campus to advocate for university-wide issues such as childcare, healthcare, education costs, and graduate student wages
- Foster collegial relationships amongst lecturers and graduate student