EGU Travel Fund

The EGU Travel Fund is set up for Department of English graduate students who present a conference paper or creative work at a professional conference. Each graduate student may apply for funding for only ONE conference per fiscal year (July 1-June 30). The fund reimburses a maximum of $500.


  • All Literature, RCTE, Creative Writing, EAL and SLAT GATs and Non-GATs who have a University business purpose for the travel
  • All graduate students who teach for the Department of English during the academic year of funding request, who have a University business purpose for the travel
  • Applicants must be University of Arizona graduate or professional students at the time of application and over the duration of the proposed travel.
  • Applications will open twice per academic year; once at the start of fall semester and once at the start of spring semester. 
  • You can also apply for a travel grant through the GPSC.

Eligible Expenses

The fund covers the following items for domestic and international travel:

  • Conference registration fee
  • Roundtrip airfare or other primary method of transportation to conference (gasoline or mileage for personal vehicle use if less than cost of airfare)
  • Lodging
  • Roundtrip airport shuttle/taxi fare

Please note that the fund does NOT cover:

  • Per diem (daily meals and incidental expenses)
  • First class tickets or special seating requests
  • Trip insurance
  • Family members

In order to be eligible for funds, you must apply for funding before you attend the conference. Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Funding requests have been known to exceed the budget, so funding is NOT guaranteed.


  • Applications accepted between August 21st and May 1st of year of travel.
  • Applications must be submitted at least three weeks in advance of travel.

How to Apply

  1. Fill out the EGU Travel Fund Application: APPLICATION IS NOW CLOSED; ALL FUNDS HAVE BEEN AWARDED. Application will re-open in Fall 2025 (pending budget approval)
  2. Click "Submit". Assign the next participants and route the form to your Program Director (Participant 2) and then to English Business Office, (Participant 3).
  3. Program Director reviews and approves that the funds are being used for UA business purpose. Program Director signs the form and then the form gets routed to English Business Office.
  4. English Business Office reviews and approves the form if funding is available. If a Travel Authorization Form is required, Business Office will reach out to the student. 

Instruction for Reimbursement

Submit original itemized receipts and proof of conference attendance to English Business Office (link sends email) within 30 days of travel.

  • All receipts must show proof of payment, amount, and date.
  • If method/proof of payment isn’t shown, please provide a bank statement that matches the purchase receipt.
  • Receipts can be scanned to English Business Office via email, or your confirmation emails may be forwarded to (link sends email).

Airfare, conference registration fees, and prepaid lodging may be reimbursed before the date of the conference. However, if you receive EGU travel funds for a conference you do not attend, you will have to pay back the money to the Department of English.

Please note that the amount to be disbursed will be dependent on your actual costs, as verified by receipts and official paperwork. Any expenses for which you do not provide receipts will not be reimbursed. You should receive a refund check within 2-3 weeks after your receipts have been processed.


If you have any questions about the process or special conditions involving your conference, please contact English Business Office (link sends email).