EGU Constitution

Updated 4/12/2019


Founded in 1991, the English Graduate Union (EGU) is a student advocacy group that represents all English and English-affiliated graduate students at the University of Arizona. This constitution is designed to ensure the operation of the English Graduate Union as a cohesive body dedicated to providing graduate students with a voice in all departmental & programmatic committees, increasing academic and professional opportunities, and improving graduate student working conditions. Its goal is to promote equity, participation, and a sense of community among the graduate students within the Department of English and its affiliated programs. The policies and procedures described herein comply with University policies and represent EGU's collective judgment as to the best means of achieving a balance between the scholarly, pedagogical, and professional goals of our graduate students.


Article I. Advocate Constituency


Section 1.01 The English Graduate Union is made up of graduate student representatives from the Department of English and its affiliated programs. These representatives advocate on behalf of the English and English-affiliate graduate students. They are elected by the following constituents who make up the voting body of EGU:


  1. Graduate students within the English Department or its affiliated programs who are eligible for employment by the English Department but who are not employed or otherwise funded by the Department of English or are receiving funding from sources not disbursed through the Department of English shall be known as Professional Graduate Colleagues (ProGCs).
  2. Graduate Associate Teachers and Graduate Assistant Teachers who are graduate students within the Department of English or its affiliated programs and who are employed by the Department of English shall be known as GATs.
    1. Affiliated Programs include any academic program at the University that currently or historically maintains a strong working relationship with the English department. This includes but is not necessarily limited to Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT). Participation in EGU by GATs and PRoGCs from affiliated programs is voluntary, and their representation within EGU is determined by participation.








Article II. EGU Office Eligibility


Section 2.01 The standard term for any EGU office is two semesters, unless otherwise noted.


a)            Winter Session, Pre-Session, Summer Sessions 1 & 2 are not considered full semesters.

b)            Semesters must be served consecutively.

c)             While semesters must be served consecutively, they are not limited to one academic year (namely Fall and Spring semesters); an elected officer may be elected mid-academic year to serve into the remainder of the current semester (see Section 2.03) or the following academic year.


Section 2.02 The standard eligibility for service is that a qualifying GAT or ProGC  can be in any year of their program.


Section 2.03 In the case that a position (except for a co-chair position) is left vacant for any reason, the EGU co-chairs can appoint a representative to fill that role and carry out the appropriate duties for the remainder of the semester until the next election cycle. Every effort should be made to ensure officers and representatives hold the position for the full term.


Article III. Representative Offices and Responsibilities


Section 3.01 Co-Chairs


a)            Principle Duties:

                       i)         To execute the provisions of this Constitution and to maintain an up-to-date copy of the Constitution, incorporating amendments as they occur; to provide English and English-affiliated graduate students with access to the Constitution; and to make copies available to members of the English Department at their request.

                      ii)         To interpret this Constitution. Such interpretations are to be reported to the English Graduate Union and are subject to the same review as other actions of the Co-Chairs.

                    iii)         To call regular meetings of the English Graduate Union and to chair such meetings.

                    iv)         To act upon the recommendations and issues brought to the English Graduate Union within the framework of University policies.

                      v)         To receive, review, and publish reports of the English Graduate Union on the implementation of recommended policies and procedures.

                    vi)         To administer the routine business of the English Graduate Union; in particular:

1)                 To consult the English Department calendar of activities in order to avoid conflicts in scheduling and to ensure that the Department does not fund competing activities.

2)                 To coordinate elections.

3)                 To coordinate projects addressing the needs of the English and English-affiliated graduate students.

4)                 To appoint ad hoc committees as may be expedient in carrying out the above responsibilities.

                   vii)         To meet regularly with the Head of the Department of English, acting or otherwise.

                 viii)         To meet regularly with the Director of the Writing Program, acting or otherwise.

                     ix)         To serve as English Department Council Representatives and English Department Meeting Representatives. The co-chairs will determine an equitable schedule between the two for attending the two meetings each month.

b)            Administrative Contact: The primary administrative contact for this position is the English Department Head.

c)             Term of Office: The normal term of office for a Co-Chair is two semesters. Although a Co-Chair may serve additional semesters in times of emergency, a Co-Chair may not stand for renomination. If a Co-Chair does not complete a term, the remaining Co-Chair shall ensure the election of a replacement, according to the election procedures described in this constitution. A Co-Chair who serves any portion of a semester shall be considered as having served the entire semester. Should no eligible member wish to be nominated to fill a vacant position, the current EGU officials and representatives may approve the reinstatement of an experienced Co-Chair.

d)            Eligibility: A Co-Chair must have previously served a position within the EGU. A Co-Chair must make every effort to ensure a schedule that allows availability for Departmental activities (most of which occur on Fridays as of Fall 2021). No person shall serve as both EGU and EDI co-chair simultaneously.


Section 3.02 Secretary


a)            Principle Duties:

                       i)         To take notes at EGU meetings, create minutes, and to distribute minutes to English and English-affiliated graduate students.

                      ii)         To execute the approval of minutes pursuant to Section 4.04, post the minutes to the EGU website within a timely manner, and archive the minutes with the EGU Co-chairs.

                    iii)         To take steps to find an alternate minutes-taker when necessary.

                    iv)         Serve as Parliamentarian for review of Co-Chair actions (see Article VI).

b)            Administrative Contact: The primary administrative contact for this position is the Writing Program assistant.


Section 3.03 Program Representatives: CW, Lit, RCTE, EAL


a)            Principle Duties:

                       i)         To attend all program faculty meetings, represent the needs of graduate students within the relevant program specifically and English graduate students in general at those meetings, forward all relevant information to programmatic listservs, and report regularly to the EGU on the activities of the program faculty.

b)            Administrative Contact: The primary administrative contact for these positions is the director of the relevant program.


Section 3.04 English Department Affiliated Program Representatives: SLAT


a)            Principle Duties:

                       i)         To attend all program faculty meetings, represent the needs of graduate students within the relevant program specifically and English and English-affiliated graduate students in general at those meetings, and report regularly to the EGU on the activities of the program faculty.

                      ii)         To maintain a list with all SLAT students affiliated with the English Department/Writing Program for the current academic year and to communicate their email addresses to English in early fall so they can be added to the English graduate student listserv.

b)            Administrative Contact: The primary administrative contact for these positions is the director of the SLAT program.

c)             Election Procedure: The SLAT Program Representative will be voted on by the SLAT Student Association (SLATSA) in the Spring preceding their EGU service the following year.


Section 3.05 First-Year Representative


a)            Principle Duties:

                       i)         To attend most, if not all, first-year graduate student functions, represent the EGU at those functions, and report the concerns of first-year graduate students to the EGU for possible action.

b)            Administrative Contact: The primary administrative contact for this position is the English Department Head.


Section 3.06 Writing Program Council (WPC) Representative(s):

a)   Number of Representatives

                       i)         The number of WPC Representatives will be determined by the number of WPC subcommittees each semester.

b)   Principle Duties:

                       i)         To represent English and English-affiliated GATs at WPC all-program and committee meetings and to report back to the EGU on the meetings.

                      ii)         To serve as a co-chair on Writing Program committees, co-leading and co-planning committee meetings and work with the other co-chairs.

                    iii)         To vote on behalf of English and English-affiliated GATs as a member of the WPC.

c)    Administrative Contact: The primary administrative contact for this position is the Senior Director of the Writing Program.


Section 3.07 Graduate & Professional Student Council (GPSC) Representative:


a)            Principle Duties:

                       i)         To make every effort to attend the bi-monthly GPSC meetings (as a non-voting member) and to report back to the EGU on the GPSC meetings.

                      ii)         To work with the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences representative to the GPSC on issues of concern to the graduate students of the Department of English and its affiliated programs. 

b)            Administrative Contact: The primary administrative contact for this position is the Graduate Studies Coordinator.

c)             If no EGU member is elected as an official voting representative during the authorized GPSC spring elections, then an EGU election will be held at the beginning of Fall semester to choose a member who will attend the GPSC meetings and report back to EGU.



Section 3.08 Undergraduate English Curriculum Committee (UGECC) Representative:


a)            Principle Duties:

                       i)         To attend all UGECC meetings and to report to the EGU on the meetings.

                      ii)         To represent the EGU to the UGECC and to work with the UGECC on issues of concern to the graduate students of the Department of English and its affiliated programs.

b)            Administrative Contact: The primary administrative contact for this position is the UGECC Coordinator.


Section 3.09 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) co-chairs:


a)            Principle Duties:

                       i)         To offer assistance to and advocate for graduate students who may experience issues related to equity, diversity, and inclusivity.

                      ii)         To create and lead projects as needed according to their mission.

                    iii)         To report activities to EGU.

b)            Administrative Contact:

c)             Eligibility: No person shall serve as both EGU and EDI co-chair simultaneously.


Section 3.10 Social Chair:

a)            Principle Duties:

                       i)         To plan and communicate activities and social opportunities among graduate students, both online and in-person, through flyers and attending EGU meetings/events.

                      ii)         To organize a welcome celebration for incoming GATs and an event each semester for all GATs (depending on funding).

                    iii)         To pursue funding opportunities to host and hold events throughout the academic year.

                    iv)         To attend all EGU meetings to give reports

b)            Administrative Contact: The primary administrative contacts for this position are the department head and EGU co-chairs.




Article IV. The Conduct of Meetings


Section 4.01 Meetings of the English Graduate Union are led by the Co-Chairs.


Section 4.02 The senior Co-Chair shall act as Parliamentarian and foster an open, democratic process. When issues become contentious and progress is not being made, the senior Co-Chair shall rule on procedural matters in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order, except when specific rules are prescribed by the EGU Constitution. If a Co-Chair's action is under review, the Secretary shall act as Parliamentarian.


Section 4.03 The Co-Chairs shall provide for the preparation, distribution, and storage of minutes that record the voting results of all substantive measures considered at all meetings of the EGU.


Section 4.04 The Secretary shall call for the approval of the minutes via an email sent to the EGU listserv after the meeting. At that time, members should email any changes to the Secretary. If the Secretary receives no amendments within one week, the minutes shall be approved.


Article V. Voting


Section 5.01 Unless specified otherwise in the EGU Constitution, resolutions pass by an affirmative majority vote of those present and voting, excluding abstentions, at meetings having a Quorum. Proxy voting is prohibited. All resolutions are subject to virtual ballot if called for by a majority vote; such resolutions require the usual majority vote for passage. Absentee ballots are permitted upon matters that have been announced in the call to meeting. Such ballots are to be submitted to the Co-Chairs. All elections and personnel decisions are by secret ballot. Other decisions are by show of hands unless there is a call for a secret ballot.


Section 5.02 Election Procedure:


a)            Nominations for election may be made by any English or English-affiliated graduate student.

b)            All nominees must provide a statement to be included on the ballot unless a nominee runs uncontested.

c)             When there are more than two nominees, voting will proceed to eliminate the nominee with fewest votes after each ballot, until one nominee receives a majority of the votes cast.

d)            Voting shall be conducted by virtual ballot and remain open for at least four business days.

e)            When elections are to be conducted by virtual ballot, the Co-Chairs will accept nominations spoken or written during the meeting at which the elections are announced and until close of business at that next regularly scheduled meeting. When there is more than one nominee for a given position, the election shall proceed in accordance with the guidelines in this section. If only one candidate is nominated, their name shall still be included on the ballot for approval; to be approved, a candidate must be affirmed by a majority of the votes cast.

Section 5.03 Absolute Majority means more than one-half of the votes cast, whenever it appears in this document. In case of a tie, Co-Chairs shall conduct a second run-off vote.


Section 5.04 A Quorum shall be defined as the number of elected officers and representatives of the EGU.


Section 5.05 Time allowances specified in this document shall refer to periods when classes are in session.



Article VI. Review of Co-Chair Actions


Section 6.01 The Co-Chairs of the EGU shall report all actions in the EGU agenda and at all EGU meetings. Actions shall be approved by a simple majority of the Quorum. Actions not approved by the simple majority of the Quorum shall be made available in writing by the Secretary who will solicit discussion and feedback from the constituency on the action in a timely manner. After discussion has closed, the Secretary will conduct a secret ballot vote of the English and English-affiliated graduate students that may sustain or overturn any action taken by the Co-Chairs.


Section 6.02 A review of a Co-Chair may be proposed by written petition of five English and English-affiliated graduate students in the form of a call for a meeting and may be adopted by a majority vote of those attending the meeting, providing that a Quorum is present at the meeting. Such a vote may be taken at any time after the first eight weeks of a Co-Chair's term and must be taken at a special meeting called for that purpose or by email ballot following such a meeting.



Article VII. Search Committee Recruitment


Section 7.01 Early in the Spring Semester, the Head of the Department of English solicits from programs suggestions for positions to be filled and takes them to the Department Council for evaluation and determination of priorities.


Section 7.02 In consultation with the programs, the Head of the Department appoints ad hoc search committees, approved by the Department Council, to conduct searches for personnel to fill the designated positions in each program. All search committees will include a graduate student representative nominated and approved by the EGU.


Section 7.03 The graduate student representative on the search committee shall be nominated from a pool of graduate students who are either in their last year within CW and EAL or ABD in Literature, RCTE, and SLAT. Should two or more graduate students from this pool be nominated, elections shall be held in accordance with section 5.02 above. Should no graduate student from this pool be nominated or approved by the EGU, nominations shall be taken from a pool of graduate students in their third year and so on until a candidate is approved.



Article VIII. Method of Amendment


Section 8.01 A proposed amendment to this Constitution must be signed by at least ten English and English-affiliated graduate students and submitted in writing to the senior Co-Chair. Upon receipt of the proposed amendment, the senior Co-Chair shall immediately distribute the proposed amendment to English and English-affiliated graduate students and call a meeting to be held in the second week after its distribution. A proposed amendment will be adopted upon approval by an absolute majority of English and English-affiliated graduate students who vote by virtual ballot.