Earn academic credit while learning first-hand about the people, cultures, and landscapes of different regions.
Literature and Culture in the UK
Our faculty-led study abroad program is open to University of Arizona students from any major who have completed first-year writing. For 5-6 weeks during the 2020 Summer II session, students will live in London and meet several times per week to explore the abundant cultural offerings of the city.

The program offers six ENGL credits in two classes taught by Steph Brown:
200-level Tier II Gen-Ed (for students who are not ENGL majors) OR 300-level English elective (for ENGL majors/minors): Brand New Ancients: Contemporary London in Literature and Culture
ENGL 310: Studies in Genre: Classical and Contemporary Drama in Performance.
Both of these courses will focus on giving you the opportunity to explore London's past as it exists in London today through its architecture, museums, and culture, while taking advantage of our own location in present-day London to see what forms “newness” takes in music, theatre, literature, the visual arts, the sciences, politics, food, and popular culture. Full descriptions of the courses can be found below.
The deadline for applications is February 25, 2020, and accepted students will take a 1-credit orientation course, ENGL 294, in Spring 2020. If you have questions about the program's curriculum, contact Professor Steph Brown. For help with the application process or questions about program requirements contact the program's Study Abroad Coordinator, Dafne Johnson. To learn more or apply, please see the Study Abroad application page.
Arizona in Orvieto
Arizona in Orvieto, Italy is one of the most popular study abroad programs, taught by UA faculty in the beautiful, quaint town of Orvieto, located just one hour from Rome.

Summer 2020 Courses will be taught by Professors Susan Briante and Alan Kohler.
The deadline for applications for 2020 are TBA. For help with the application process or questions about program requirements contact the program's Study Abroad Coordinator, Dafne Johnson. To learn more or apply, please see the Study Abroad application page.