Susan Briante
Poetry and Poetics
Creative Nonfiction and Documentary Arts
US Mexico Border
Steph Brown
Associate Professor
Director, Undergraduate Studies
20th/21st Century British/Caribbean/Irish Literature
Surveillance culture and surveillance art
Anglophone modernism and literature of empire
Paul Hurh
Associate Professor
Early American literature
Intellectual history and philosophy
Affect theory and new materialism
Amy Kimme Hea
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs and Student Success for the College of SBS
Writing program administration
Higher Education Administration Professional
Technical Communication Writing Studies and Technology Integration
Farid Matuk
Program Director, MFA Creative Writing
Associate Professor
Poetry & Poetics
World Literature
Black Study & Feminist Pedagogy
John Melillo
Associate Professor with Tenure
Interim Associate Head
Program Director, Literature
Poetics and Music
Modern and contemporary literature
Literary and cultural theory
Scott Selisker
Associate Professor
U.S. literature and Culture since 1945
Science technology and society (STS)
Science fiction
Lynda M Zwinger
English and American Novel
Late 19th/Early 20th Century U.S. Literature
Psychoanalysis and Literature