Matthew Abraham

Modern Languages 486
Research Areas
Matthew Abraham is Professor of English, specializing in Rhetoric and Composition and the Teaching of English. His publications have appeared in JAC: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric, Culture, and Politics, Cultural Critique, South Atlantic Quarterly, College Composition and Communication, and Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture. Abraham is the co-editor of The Making of Barack Obama: The Politics of Persuasion (Parlor Press, 2013) and the editor of Toward a Critical Rhetoric on the Israel-Palestine Conflict (Parlor Press, 2015). Abraham's single-authored books are entitled Out of Bounds: Academic Freedom and the Question of Palestine (Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2014) and Intellectual Resistance and the Struggle for Palestine (Palgrave MacMillan, 2014).
Professor Abraham is the co-editor of the symposium entitled "Independent Writing Programs in the Age of Austerity" in the September 2016 issue of College Composition and Communication. Professor Abraham's future projects include working a book manuscript focused on how Edward Said's theoretical and political interventions in the public sphere can produce new critical perspectives on rhetoric and rhetorical theory. In addition he is developing a book examining how diversity is defined, takes shape, and is operationalized in the contemporary academy. Professor Abraham is currently a member of the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and the Committee of Eleven at the UArizona.