Undergraduate Certificate in
Teaching English as a Global Language
Prepare for teaching English as a global language at home or abroad, a career in language teaching, or graduate school in education. This certificate complements degrees in the humanities, social sciences, and education, especially English, linguistics, and foreign languages.
About the Certificate
The Certificate in Teaching English as a Global Language (TEGL) equips students with the foundational skills and knowledge to teach English as a global language in the US or abroad. Students will learn the basics of linguistics and the English language, the diversities of English as global English, the grammatical structures of English, and the practices of teaching English as a second/foreign language (TESL).
The Certificate prepares students for international English language teaching positions, U.S.-based TESL positions, and graduate study and professional careers in the field. While the field is sometimes known as TESL, TEFL, or TESOL, our Certificate is focused on the status of English as a Global Language, and the implications that has for teaching it around the world.
Areas of Study
You will take four foundational courses framed in a global Englishes perspective: Introduction to the English Language/Linguistics, English Sociolinguistics, English Grammar/Syntax, and TESOL.
The TEGL Certificate is available to all University of Arizona undergraduates, regardless of major or college. In order to enroll in the certificate, students must have attained at least sophomore standing and a minimum 2.5 grade point average. Second language speakers of English must have a minimum TOEFL iBT score of 75 to enroll.
Career Pathways
With the rapid growth of English as the premier global language and the continued development of international Englishes, teachers with foundational training in how to teach it as a Global Language are in high demand. The Certificate develops a strong foundation so that you can embark on one of many career paths available teaching abroad or at home, and ultimately pursue graduate study in TESL, applied linguistics, or other related fields.
TESOL professionals teach English as a second or foreign language in the U.S. or abroad, hold administrative positions in English language programs, design and develop teaching materials for publishers, develop community-based language programs, and more.
Certificate Requirements
Four courses for 12 credit hours and a portfolio
English Language and Linguistics
Choose one course (3 units)
- ENGL 255: Introduction to English Applied Linguistics
- LING 201: Introduction to Linguistics
Complete one course (3 units)
- ENGL 347: English Literature with an Accent
- ENGL 355: English Sociolinguistics
Global Languages and English Grammar
Choose one course (3 units)
- ENGL 406: Modern English Grammar
- LING 300: Introduction to Syntax
Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Complete one course (3 units)
- ENGL 455: Introduction to TESOL
Portfolio (as part of English 455)
All students enrolled in the certificate program will complete a digital teaching portfolio. At minimum, the portfolio should include:
- current CV
- teaching philosophy
- diversity statement
- 2-3 lesson plans,
- (optional) other professional materials of the student’s choice--e.g., teaching materials; handouts, slides, or poster presented at an academic conference, sample student feedback, etc.
To enroll in the TEGL Certificate:
For students whose last names begin with A-K, contact Sandra Holm sholm@arizona.edu.
For students whose last names begin with L-Z, contact Lauren Kelly laurenduleykelly@arizona.edu.
For questions about the TEGL Certificate, please contact Dr. Hayriye Kayi-Aydar at hkaydar@arizona.edu