Southwest Field Studies in Writing Awarded $19,506 Grant
UA’s Research, Innovation & Impact and the Arizona Institutes of Resilience (AIR) has awarded the Southwest Field Studies in Writing a $19,506 grant to help support the continuation of this program this summer in conjunction with their community partner, the Borderlands Restoration Network. The SW Field Studies in Writing program provides support for 3-4 MFA students to engage in reciprocal research on environmental and social justice issues unique to the US-Mexico border. These students also lead storytelling workshops and join in hands-on environmental restoration projects with local high school students in collaboration with the Borderlands Restoration Network’s Borderlands Earth Care Youth Program (BECY). Professor of Creative Writing Susan Briante, as well as UA MFA alum and current faculty member in the MFA program, Francisco Cantú, co-wrote this grant and serve as coordinators of the program which was developed with the support of Prof Alison Deming.