Shelley Rodrigo

Modern Languages 451A
Research Areas
Rochelle (Shelley) Rodrigo is the Senior Director of the Writing Program; Professor in the Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English (RCTE) program; Writing Scholar (Continuing Status) in the Department of English; and Affiliate Faculty with the School of Information at the University of Arizona. She researches how “newer” technologies better facilitate communicative interactions, specifically teaching and learning. Shelley recently co-authored the award winning Teaching Literacy Online; is working on the fourth co-authored edition of The Wadsworth/Cengage Guide to Research, and co-edited Rhetorically Rethinking Usability. Her scholarly work has appeared in journals such as Composition Forum, Composition Studies, Computers and Composition, C&C Online, Technical Communication Quarterly, Teaching English in the Two-Year College¸ as well as various edited collections. In 2022 she became a Research Associate with The Readability Consortium and a Distinguished Fellow in the Center for University Education Scholarship (CUES) at the University of Arizona. In 2021 she was elected Vice President (4-year term including President) of the National Council of Teachers of English and won the Arizona Technology in Education Association’s Ruth Catalano Friend of Technology Innovation Award. In 2018 she became an Adobe Education Leader, in 2014 she was awarded Old Dominion University’s annual Teaching with Technology Award, in 2012 the Digital Humanities High Powered Computing Fellowship, and, in 2010 she became a Google Certified Teacher/Innovator.
- Miller-Cochran, Susan K., and Rochelle L. Rodrigo. The Wadsworth Guide to Research. Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage, 2009. Print. (50%)
- The Wadsworth Guide to Research, 2nd ed. 2014. (50%)
- The Cengage Guide to Research, 3rd ed. In Press (50%)
- Miller-Cochran, Susan, and Rochelle Rodrigo, eds. Rhetorically Rethinking Usability: Theories, Practices, and Methodologies. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2009. Print. (50%)
Refereed Journal Articles
- Sofie Beier, Sam Berlow, Esat Boucaud, Zoya Bylinskii, Tianyuan Cai, Jenae Cohn, Kathy Crowley, Stephanie L. Day, Tilman Dingler, Jonathan Dobres, Jennifer Healey, Rajiv Jain, Marjorie Jordan, Bernard Kerr, Qisheng Li, Dave B. Miller, Susanne Nobles, Alexandra Papoutsaki, Jing Qian, Tina Rezvanian, Shelley Rodrigo, Ben D. Sawyer, Shannon M. Sheppard, Bram Stein, Rick Treitman, Jen Vanek, Shaun Wallace and Benjamin Wolfe, "Readability Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach." Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction, vol. 16, no. 4, 2022, pp 214-324.
- Mitchum, Catrina, Nicole Schmidt, Kayle Skorupski, and Rochelle Rodrigo. “Knowing Who’s On Your Team: Pedagogical Expertise and the Impact on Software Design.” Currents in Teaching and Learning, vol. 13. No. 2, 2022, pp. 6-16. (25%)
- Henthorn, Jamie, and Rochelle Rodrigo. “Slicing and Dicing: Using Video Editing Software to Teach Film.” Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching, vol. 5, 2020, pp. 42-85. (50%)
- Rodrigo, Rochelle, and Cristina Ramirez. “Balancing Institutional Demands with Effective Practice: A Lesson in Curricular & Professional Development.” Technical Communication Quarterly. Fall 2017.
- Rodrigo, Rochelle and Julia Romberger. “Managing Digital Technologies in Writing Programs: Writing Program Technologists & Invisible Service.” Computers and Composition, vol. 44, pp. 67-82. 2017.
- Rodrigo, Rochelle, Susan K. Miller-Cochran, and Duane Roen, with Elaine Jolayemi, Cheri Lemieux Spiegel, and Catrina Mitchum. “DIY Mentoring: Developing Personal Learning Networks.” Enculturation (2014). Web. (40%).
- Rodrigo, Rochelle (Shelley). “Can You Digg It?: Using Web Applications in Teaching Research.” The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy 4 (2013). Web.
Book Chapters
- Rodrigo, Rochelle, and Teresa Davis. “Assigning and Assessing: Creative and Digital Literacies.” Proceedings of the Computers and Writing Annual Conference, 2022, edited by Christopher D. M. Andrews, Chen Chen, and Lydia Wilkes. The WAC Clearinghouse, 2023. pp. 53-70. (50%)
- Mitchum, Catrina, and Rochelle Rodrigo. “Administrative Policies and Pre-Designed Courses (PDCs): Negotiating Instructor and Student Agency.” Working With and Against Shared Curricula: Perspectives from College Writing Teachers and Administrators, edited by Constance Kendall Theado and Samantha NeCamp. Peter Lang, 2021, pp. 29-44. (50%) [invited]
- Rodrigo, Rochelle, and Julia Romberger. “Actors and Allies: Faculty, IT Work, and Writing Program Support.” Transformations: Change Work Across Writing Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices, edited by Kirsti Cole and Holly Hassel. Utah State University Press, 2021, pp. 146-164 (50%).
- Bose, Dev, and Rochelle Rodrigo. “Teaching Ethically Online: Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Pre-Designed Courses (PDCs). English Studies Online, edited by Will Banks and Susan Spangler. Parlor Press, 2021, pp. 258-281. (50%)
- Romberger, Julia, and Rochelle Rodrigo. “Playing with Theory in Graduate Writing Groups.” Learning from the Lived Experiences of Graduate Student Writers, edited by Shannon Madden, Michele Eodice, Kirsten T. Edwards Williams, and Alexandria Lockett. University Press of Colorado, 2021, pp. 242-256. (50%). **Edited collection won the 2021 International Writing Centers Association’s Outstanding Book Award.
- Rodrigo, Rochelle, and Cristina Ramirez. “Balancing Institutional Demands with Effective Practice: A Lesson in Curricular & Professional Development.” Professional Development in Online Teaching and Learning in Technical Communication: A Ten Year Retrospective, edited by Beth L. Hewett and Tiffany Bourelle. Routledge, 2018. (50%) [reprint]
- Rodrigo, Rochelle, and Susan Miller-Cochran. “Acknowledging Disciplinary Contributions: On the Importance of Community College Scholarship to Rhetoric and Composition.” Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity: Traces of the Past, Issues of the Moment, and Prospects for the Future, edited by Rita Malencyzk, Susan Miller-Cochran, Elizabeth Wardle, and Kathleen Yancey. Utah State University Press, 2018, pp. 53-69.
- Rodrigo, Rochelle. “Writing a Wiki Resource Guide for a Literature Survey Course.” Teaching Literature with Digital Technology: Assignments, edited by Tim Hetland, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2017, pp. 50-68.
- Rodrigo, Rochelle, and Susan Miller-Cochran. “QEP Evaluation as Opportunity: Teaching and Learning through the Accreditation Process.” Reclaiming Accountability: Improving Writing Programs through Accreditation and Large-Scale Assessments, edited by Wendy Sharer, Tracy Ann Morse, Michelle F. Eble, and William P. Banks, Utah State UP, 2016, pp. 36-51. **Edited collection won the 2016 CWPA Best Book Award
- Rodrigo, Rochelle, and Julia Romberger. “Frugal Realities: Hacker Pedagogies and Scrappy Students in an Online Program.” The New Normal: Pressures on Technical Communication Programs in the Age of Austerity, edited by Denise Tillery and Ed Nagelhout, Baywood Publishing Company, Inc., 2015, pp. 89-106.
- Rodrigo, Rochelle. “Online Writing Instruction on the Go.” Foundational Practices in Online Writing Instruction, edited by Beth L. Hewett and Kevin E. DePew, The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2015, pp. 493-516. The WAC Clearinghouse, [invited]
- Kidd, Jennifer, and Rochelle Rodrigo. “Getting Uncomfortable: Identity Exploration in a Multi-Class Blog.” Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning, edited by Jack Dougherty and Tennyson O’Donnell. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2014, pp. 161-174. Digital Culture Books,
- Jacobsen, Craig, Susan Miller-Cochran, and Rochelle Rodrigo. “The WPA Outcomes Statement and Disciplinary Authority.” The WPA Outcomes Statement: A Decade Later, edited by Nicholas Behm, Gregory Glau, Deborah Holdstein, and Duane Roen. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press, 2013, pp. 107-123. **Edited collection won the 2011-2012 CWPA Best Book Award