Jonathon S Reinhardt

Modern Languages 365
Research Areas
Jon Reinhardt teaches courses for English undergraduate, MATESL graduate, and SLAT PhD graduate students, primarily focused on teaching languages with technology, teaching English as a foreign language, and English grammar. His research interests lie in the relationship between technological change and the theory and practice of technology-enhanced second and foreign language pedagogy, especially with emergent technologies like social media and digital gaming.
He is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholar Award to teach and collaborate at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany on game-based language learning from April to July 2023.
He is the director of the Clarify Initiative, a curricular resource project to raise critical language awareness of how grammar is used in rhetoric, propaganda, and disinformation.
He sits on the editorial boards of CALICO Journal and Language Learning and Technology, for which serves as an Associate Editor. He will serve as President of the Computer Assisted Language Instructional Consortium from July 2023 to July 2025.
He will be on sabbatical from January to December 2023.
Selected recent publications
Reinhardt, J. (2022). “Deux hommes, des jeux et des styles d'apprentisage des langues. Une conversation imaginaire”. In Silva, H. (ed.), Horizons de la recherche sur le jeu en didactique des langues et des cultures, 43-60. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Reinhardt, J. (2022). “Everyday technology-mediatized language learning: New opportunities and challenges”. In Lütge, C. (ed.), Foreign Language Learning in the Digital Age: Theory and Pedagogy for Developing Literacies, 67-68. London: Routledge.
Reinhardt, J. (2022). “Language learning beyond the classroom: An historical perspective”. In Reinders, H., Lai, C., & Sundqvist, P. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom, 9-23. London: Routledge.
Reinhardt, J. (2022). Developing online language teacher identities: Interdisciplinary insights. In Kayi-Aydar, H. & Reinhardt, J. (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Language Teacher Development in Digital Contexts, 179-192. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Reinhardt, J. & Kirby, S. (2022). “Second language acquisition and multiplayer gaming”. In Ziegler, N. & Gonzalez-Lloret, M. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of SLA and Technology, 286-296. London: Routledge.
Kayi-Aydar, H. & Reinhardt, J. (Eds.) (2022). Contemporary Perspectives on Language Teacher Development in Digital Contexts. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Han, Y. & Reinhardt, J. (2022). Autonomy in the digital wilds: Agency, competence, and self-efficacy in the development of L2 digital identities. TESOL Quarterly.
Godwin-Jones, R., Oskoz, A., & Reinhardt, J. (Eds.) (2021). Twenty-five Years of Emerging CALL Technology. Special Issue of Language Learning & Technology, 25(3).
Reinhardt, J. & Han, Y. (2021). “Learnful L2 gaming: The wisdom of the wild”. In Fuchs. C., Dooly, M. & Hauck, M. (eds.), Language Education in Digital Spaces: Perspectives on Autonomy and Interaction, 181-199. Springer.
Reinhardt, J. (2021). “Not all MMOGs are created equal: A design-informed approach to the study of L2 learning in multiplayer online games”. In Peterson, M., Yamazaki, K., & Thomas, M. (eds.), The State of Play: Digital Games and Language Learning: Theory, Development, & Implementation, 69-88. London: Bloomsbury.
Blume, C. & Reinhardt, J. (2021). “Gaming as a critical language learning practice”. In Gerlach, D. (ed.), Kritische Fremdsprachendidaktik. Grundlagen, Ziele, Beispiele. Tübingen: Narr.
Reinhardt, J. (2020). Metaphors for social media-enhanced foreign language teaching and learning. Foreign Language Annals, 53(2), 234-242.
Reinhardt, J. & Thorne, S. (2020). “Digital games as language learning environments”. In Plass, J., Mayer, R., & Homer, B. (eds.), Handbook of Game-based Learning, 409-436. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Reinhardt, J. (2019). State-of-the-art review: Social media in second and foreign language teaching and learning: Blogs, wikis, and social networking. Language Teaching, 52(1), 1-39.
Reinhardt, J. (2019). Gameful Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Reinhardt, J. & Thorne, S. L. (2019). “Digital literacies as emergent multifarious repertoires”. In Arnold, N. & Ducate, L. (eds.), Engaging language learners through CALL: From theory and research to informed practice, 208-239. London: Equinox.