Ann Shivers-McNair
Modern Languages 425
I study design and communication across contexts—from technology companies and makerspaces to higher education and local communities—with a focus on equity and justice. My first book, Beyond the Makerspace: Making and Relational Rhetorics, was published in 2021 by the University of Michigan Press, and my work also appears in journals, edited collections, and conference proceedings. (Access my CV and my Google Scholar page.) My collaborative work has received national grants and awards, including a National Science Foundation grant and the Society of Technical Communication Frank R. Smith Distinguished Article Award. I serve as an associate editor of Technical Communication Quarterly and secretary of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing executive committee. At the University of Arizona, I am director of professional and technical writing in the English Department, affiliated faculty in the School of Information, and a co-organizer of UX@UA, a user experience professional community in southern Arizona.