Lynda M Zwinger

Modern Languages 431A
Research Areas
Lynda Zwinger teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the novel, epic fantasy fiction, psychoanalytic literary theory, the monstrous, and fairy tales. Her current project entangles questions of the novel, time, zen, and subjectivity. She is Professor of English and American Literature, editor of Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, & Theory, and affiliate faculty with the Department of Gender and Women's Studies and the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program Ph.D. Minor in Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory. Her books include Telling in Henry James: The Web of Experience and the Forms of Reality(Bloomsbury, 2015), The Story of an American Family: The Lunt Family from 1633 to the Present (non-academic; Kindle, 2016), Approaches to Teaching Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying" (Approaches to Teaching World Literature) (co-edited with Patrick O'Donnell; MLA, 2011), and Daughters, Fathers, and the Novel: The Sentimental Romance of Heterosexuality (Wisconsin, 1991). Essay venues include The Henry James Review, Nineteenth Century Literature, Raritan, Modern Fiction Studies, Hypatia.